Zhejiang , China
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isuzu (い す ず automotive corporation, isuzu Jid not sha kabushiki Kaisha) is a japanese car manufacture company, head office in Tokyo, Japan, and integration of manufacturing and assembly, set up factories in japan fujisawa, 栃 wood county, and Hokkaido, famous for production of commercial vehicles and diesel engines.
showa 9 years (1934), according to the ministry of commerce and industry (now the ministry of commerce and industry) standard model of mass production of cars, and after the isuzu river next to the ise temple named "isuzu" this trademark. showa 24 (1949) after the unification of the trademark and company name has been used "isuzu automatic car co., LTD." company name. As a symbol of its future international development, the company has modernized its logo through the roman alphabet ISUZU. In december 2018, the world brand lab released its 2018 world brand 500 list, ranking isuzu 420th.
flag is perfect size for car lots - 30" x 42" (2.5' x 3.5')
super polyester for long lasting durability
vivid graphics & colors
flag is mounted on a solid wooden (poplar) pole/staff
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